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ABOUT hoMEdeepu

Who I Am

I’m a Catholic, a husband, and father of five. I started volunteering in youth ministry in 2002 and worked full-time in youth and young adult ministries from 2010-2019. Since then I started offering help to parishes/organizations with retreats (planning, leading, speaking), conferences, and more. When the pandemic struck, it forced me to be a full-time stay at home dad, which turned out to be one of the best things that I could have been doing for my family. I continue to serve parishes on occasion, but my main priority is my family.

Who This is For

My main focus for this website will be on sharing thoughts and ideas on how to live a better life as a Catholic, and as well as self-reflections on how I need to grow. Whether you’re a practicing Catholic or a not-so-practicing Catholic, there might be something here for you. If you’re not Catholic or Christian at all, you might learn something, or you might be inspired (to smack me).

Who This is Really For

God – not that God needs to read my blog, but I’m hoping that it is His will that I take this on, and I hope that through it I bring Him glory. So yeah, God.

I do not write on behalf of the Catholic Church or Catholics in general.