Let’s set the stage:
My wife was Sacristan at Mass, so we were heading there early. Our son Joshua asked if he could play with Accha (my dad) when we get there. I explained to him that most people aren’t at church that early yet.
Joshua said in response, “A lot of people come to Mass late so they don’t have to sit in the church so long.”
He’s 4, and yet he spoke a truth I don’t think he fully understands.
But why is that true? Why do people (not all people, but definitely a majority) not want to spend more time in church? I know I definitely used to be in that boat – would come just in time for Mass to start and get on out of there once the priest passed me in the closing song.
We easily sit through other things willingly when we don’t have to – the first thing that comes to mind are end credits of movies.
I never used to sit through the end credits. But once they started making post credit scenes (especially for Marvel movies), I would want to stay to make sure I didn’t miss anything (my wife lovingly would oblige).
I wanted to see what was to come. What they were going to hint at.
And then there’s the Mass. And there are people (not many, thank God), that leave as soon as they receive Communion. MASS ISN’T OVER PEOPLE, SIT YOUR ASS BACK DOWN. OR KNEEL YOUR…KNEES..BACK DOWN. I DON’T CARE AS LONG AS YOU DON’T LEAVE.
Side story: I remember hearing Matthew Kelly at LA Congress one year, and he was trying to figure out where the “tradition” of leaving right after Communion started, and he realized who started it: Judas.
But seriously, what is so important that people can’t stay another 5ish minutes (maybe 10 if the announcements are long)?
Or maybe it’s that no one has shown them the importance.
And of course it’s important – there’s the sending off. The priest’s final blessing with the Sign of the Cross. The announcement that the Mass has actually ended. The sending forth on our mission.
Our mission.
What is our mission?
To share the Gospel.
Maybe that’s why people have no problem leaving early. No one has shared the Gospel with them. Like, really shared it with them. I know we hear the Gospel at Mass. But to someone who doesn’t have a real encounter with Jesus Christ, they are mostly stories. Sharing the Gospel with someone is more than just reading Scripture. It’s more than just trying to explain who Jesus is to someone. The Gospel is about Jesus having personal encounters with people. Jumping into their lives, their problems, their sin. Sharing Truth with them in a way that says, “I am with you” instead of “You need to be better.”
Think about it. Jesus never once said, “You suck, I’m better than you because I am the Son of God.”
And yet, we do that all the time. We don’t say it outright, but I know it can definitely come across – “I’m living the Catholic faith out better than you – what’s wrong with you?”
Telling someone they need to stay til Mass is over isn’t going to make them do it. And honestly, I don’t know what will. But I think it has something to do with just getting to know them, instead of badgering them. Not judging them for leaving early, not even bringing it up. But just getting to know them. Maybe, by talking to them before Mass, they’ll be inclined to stay after to continue talking to you. Or maybe before Mass if you’re real crafty, invite them to go out to dinner with you after.
But maybe they leave early because they’re trying to avoid being sent on the mission of a Christian.