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My oldest son loves playing with BeyBlades. He asks me and his mom and his siblings to play that more than anything else (only because if he tries to ask to play videogames that often he’d get to play those even less).

Even on Father’s Day (yes I already wrote about Father’s Day here, but this is a completely different), when he should’ve asked me what game I wanted to play, he asked if I wanted to play BeyBlades with him. Now, I get that he was trying to be kind and spend time playing a game with me – however if he’s trying to show me appreciation, that’s not the way to do it. He could’ve asked to play a game that I really like, like ladder ball, or chess.

And yes, I also recognize I should be grateful and appreciate that he wants to play with me because it won’t last forever.

We owe God everything, and then some. And although there are so many ways to show God gratitude, He wasn’t shy about how we should do it. It was a commandment. It was one of the last things Jesus told His disciples.

Basically, go to Mass (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). Every Sunday (Exodus 20:8).

Many Catholics stop practicing their faith because they believe Mass is boring and that they get nothing out of it. They either find another denomination where they feel something and “get more out of it”, don’t go to church at all, or they spend time with God in some other way because that’s how they feel closest to God.

But when we do that, we’re basically asking God to play BeyBlades with us.

One of the main reasons we should be going to Mass is to say thank You. To show gratitude. To say, “Hey God, you did so much for us, so for this one(ish) hour a week, I won’t do what I want, but what You want.”

Don’t get me wrong, it’s awesome when we do get something out of Mass. God wants us to get something out of it. He wants us to be changed by our experience at Mass. He wants us to consume Him in the Eucharist so that He can consume us (I sound way too confident in knowing what God wants – this is all what I believe He wants from what I’ve learned). But when we go to Mass with the attitude of, “Entertain Me,” we are not being grateful.

And of course, going to Mass once a week shouldn’t be all that we do to spend time with God. Go to praise and worship. Go to Adoration. Spend time meditating with God. Go on walks in nature. However you authentically feel close to God, by all means, do it. But it shouldn’t replace going to Mass on Sundays.

Basically what I’m saying is, play chess with God on Sundays, and BeyBlades with Him every other day of the week.

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One thought on “BeyBlades

  1. I like it Deepu! Good job connecting your life as a father to a God lesson. I like your insights and appreciate that you take the time to write these blogs, which I enjoy reading.

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