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The Juggle is Real

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Three kids. Three. That’s what we’re up against now, Beth and I. I know it can be done, and I know we will be able to handle it (I think). A lot of people tell us it’s a game changer because then you go to zone defense instead of just man on man coverage (I still don’t know what that means exactly – I don’t watch baseball much). But most of the time, it’s just one of us watching the kids while the other is working – so having more than one kid to watch at a time isn’t what intimidates me – it’s the lack of hands I have. Two kids, two hands. Easy (not easy). Three kids…still just two hands. Well then. Fortunately, Joshua’s been pretty good at listening and boundaries (unless it’s the closing song at Mass – then there’s no controlling that dance machine).

I think about that more and more lately when I’m at Mass – Beth and I are juggling two kids, trying to keep them from saying the responses two seconds after everyone else – how are we going to do this with a third? And then I remember that we’re not alone. At any point during Mass, we have a multitude of people who are more than willing to hold a child if we’re in need (and I’m sure with a newborn they’ll be only too happy). Does that make us worse parents? I don’t believe so. I believe it will allow us to parent better, because we have other adults and older children who are watching out and helping guide our children. Dr. Kara Powell – Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute – believes that teens should have a 1:5 ratio with adults in their lives. Five adults for every teen who is there for them, who develops a strong relationship with them, and is guiding them in their faith journey. We often have plenty of adults in a child’s life – but how many of them are faith-filled, practicing Catholics? You might say it’s easy for me because I work for a church – and although there is truth to that, the other families that we are connected to are all connected to each other as well, and they don’t work for the church. But, they are involved and volunteer. When parish leaders or volunteers ask for you to volunteer, it’s to help you. Yes, it helps the ministry – but these ministries are a part of your parish so it helps you too.

I couldn’t imagine what my life would be like if I didn’t say yes to helping out. I wouldn’t want to imagine it, because I wouldn’t have the beautiful wife or three children that I have – nor the amazing faith community.

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One thought on “The Juggle is Real

  1. I love the community that you are a part of! It’s honestly one of the reasons I haven’t wanted kids, that lack of community. For the one Sunday I was there, it was a relief to have Annie help out with the kids! For me, 1:1 is all I can handle (in church anyway😊) Can’t wait to meet threepu, I love being blessed through your blessings!!

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