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Not Your Father’s Bible Study

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Read Time:1 Minute, 42 Second

Studying Scripture outside of Mass is important. Like, really important.

But why, Deepu?

Good question, fair reader, thank you for asking.

For one, how many of us really pay attention to the readings at Mass? For two, for those of us who do pay attention, how often do we hear it and actually reflect on it past the homily?

If every person followed Jesus’ teachings—and not just the ones they like, but all of them—pretty much every single problem the world faces (which includes the people in it) – would be resolved. And it’s not just because people would be of the same faith, but because people would be selfless. They’d be generous. They would be loving. Forgiving. Patient. They would be humble. They would be righteous. They. Would. Be. Holy.

What does holy mean? It means sacred. We would be sacred. Paul tells us that we are temples of God. God tells us to be holy. Why? Because He is holy, and we should strive to be like Him.

But because people don’t follow God’s Word (or because they follow some twisted and false interpretation of it, which if you read my post on reverse psychology you know it can happen pretty innocently), they aren’t holy. They judge. They’re vengeful. They hate. They’re prideful. They’re selfish.

So how do we fix this? How do we get all those people to start following God’s Word—to start being all the good things God has created us to be? To start being holy and sacred temples of God?

By doing those things ourselves. By choosing, each and every day, to allow God to transform us into people who love more. It’s not enough to say we’re Catholic or say we’re Christian. It’s not enough to just go to Mass (although that is extremely important). We have to actually do the things Christ has been and is calling us to do.

So what are you waiting for?

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