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Solomon the Wise

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Read Time:1 Minute, 48 Second

Image result for fiddler on the roof if i were a rich man solomon

If you read last week’s post, you’ll remember (will you though?) that I mentioned the wisdom of Solomon. You looked at that first reading (you definitely remember that reading), and you saw why he’s so wise. Because God gifted him with a wisdom that is unmatched.

Why did God give him such wisdom?

Because Solomon asked for it. Now, imagine God came to you, and told you to ask for whatever you wanted, and He would grant it to you. What would you ask for? If you’re being honest, most likely your answer would have to do with some material good (loads of money or at least financial comfort). Some would ask for something a little more meaningful (health, health for a family member, a spouse (if you’re still single, of course), children, etc). But Solomon asks for understanding and wisdom.

Who does that?!

Oh, right. Solomon does that.

But if you think about it, Solomon was already a pretty wise person to begin with to even ask for such a thing. Think about how uncomplicated life would become if you were so wise you were able to make righteous decisions. Our lives are consumed by struggling to make the right choice: Which college should I go to? What should I major in? What classes should I take? What school should I send my kids to? What should I eat for dinner? Should I ask that girl out on a date? What should I watch on Netflix? Should I watch one episode or fifteen in a row? It’s 12:30am do I really need six Jack-in-the-Box tacos (the answer is no, you don’t – four will do just fine). Our lives are filled with choices, and as we get older we hope to get better at making them. But the sad truth is that we often times don’t. We don’t seek out wisdom and understanding. We seek out comfort and ease.

May we be more like King Solomon, filled with wisdom and understanding, so that we can make better decisions – not only for ourselves, but for the people around us.

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