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Yes, Yes You Should

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The Catholic community is one of the best things to be a part of. Those of you who are Catholic might not believe me. Well, several years ago, I wouldn’t have believed me either.

I’m going to share (hopefully briefly) my journey in the Catholic Church – the purpose isn’t to really share about me, but to hopefully encourage you to say yes.

I grew up Catholic, and I’ve been at the same parish since I was 4. For a very long time Mass was something I went to because I had to, and once it was over I headed for the door as soon as the priest passed my row. Over 15 years, other than the Sign of Peace, my interactions with my fellow parishioners was limited to giving a head nod and what I can only describe as a pursed-lip grin to those I recognized.

I did altar serving and choir for a spell during those years, but my attitude towards it was similar to Mass – interact when necessary, otherwise, it was something I did, not a part of who I was.

Then, about a year out of high school, a close friend invited me to help out with the new youth group that was going to start up. I refused immediately, believing that going to Mass was enough for me and my faith. This friend (we’ll call him Jimmy, because, well, that’s his name), kept asking week after week, mostly because he said yes to helping when he was asked and he wanted a friend to do it with him.

Finally, I said fine, I’ll check it out, because he promised that if I didn’t like the leader meeting, I didn’t have to do it. Long story short, I loved the people, the atmosphere, and the community. When the youth group started, I enjoyed it as well, so I kept doing it.

One of the biggest changes for me, even early on, was how much more I looked forward to going to Mass. Correction: it was that I actually looked forward to going to Mass. It wasn’t the Eucharist (sorry Jesus). It wasn’t the music, and it wasn’t the homily. It was the people. I started knowing more than just faces – I knew names, and I actually wanted to get to know these people who had these faces and names. I made good relationships with the other youth ministers and teens. I enjoyed coming early and chatting with them, and staying after to hang out. I felt like I belonged – but even more than that, I felt like people appreciated my presence and looked forward to seeing me as much as I looked forward to seeing them.

Some of you know what I’m talking about. For those of you who don’t, I really encourage you to find out. Say yes to a ministry that you’re interested in (and if you’re not interested in any, then just say yes to the next one that you hear about). Don’t worry about if you know enough or are holy enough. The truth is, you don’t and you aren’t. And that’s not only okay, it’s expected. Ministry isn’t for people who have all the answers and are totally prepared. Ministry is for those who want to be challenged and want to grow (heck, it took ministry to make me realize that I needed to grow). Do you think I knew enough or was holy enough when I started volunteering, or when I started working for the Church? No way Joseph – and I still don’t know enough or am holy enough.

Don’t let your Catholic faith be limited to one hour on Sundays. Don’t let it be something you do. Let it become who you are. Say yes.

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