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Check Your Pride at the Door

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God kinda puts David in his place, doesn’t he?

In 2 Samuel 7 we have King David, living in his nice house, and then he remembers that he left God in a little tent, and realizes he needs to make God a better house.

Then God tells David (through Nathan), “Um, you kidding right? I don’t know how you forgot, but you need me, I don’t need you.”

Yeah, God said that – word for word. Well, not really of course, but basically that’s what He meant. God reminds David of everything God did for him, and how after David’s dead God will keep on keepin’ on.

Silly Davey – know your place.


And yet.

Here I am, knowing that I do the same thing with God. I know that God has blessed my life. I know that He has given me so much, and all the good that I do or say comes from God. My most inspiring words – whether I’m speaking or writing – are from God. When I have extra patience for my children, when I have forgiveness for my wife, when I offer someone a piece of bacon – that is God working through me. But then when I’m not in the mood to pray but do it anyway, I feel like I’m doing God a favor. “Fine God, I’ll sit with you for a few minutes.”


Now, I know that God does want me to spend time with Him – but that’s for my own good, not His.

And although God didn’t exactly say it as I wrote it, it’s still very important for me to remember (life or death important, actually): I need God. I need God in every inch of my life.

Which is what we’re about to celebrate on Monday. We are celebrating, and thanking God with all of our being, for being here, on earth, for us. Because without Him, we are nothing.

That’s why we go to Mass – not because God needs us to or the Church requires us to – but because we need it. And if you’re not planning on going to Christmas Mass (Saturday & Sunday morning Masses are 4th Sunday of Advent), read this tweet from Ed Condon (@canonlawyered):

“If the idea of going to Mass twice in two days is upsetting, it’s fairly safe to say you’re approaching Christmas with the wrong spirit.”

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