Would you lay your life down for mine?
More important question for me to ask though is, would I lay my life down for yours?
Honest answer: I don’t know.
I’d like to say yes I totally would. But the reality is I have no idea what that situation would be like and so I have no idea what I would do. If someone was pointing a gun at your head, or I saw someone was about to kill you, would I take the bullet for you? Would I sacrifice my life for yours?
Would I give my life for my kids? For my wife? I’d like to think so, but I just barely got around to sharing bacon with my wife, so…
And even if I knew the situation, would I really give my life up for a person I didn’t know? Or someone I knew, but didn’t like? I know I’d definitely hesitate…but what if that moment of hesitation was all I had to decide, and then that person dies? Would that make me a horrible person, or just human?
Even though Jesus did literally give up His life for mine, and calls me to do the same, there are people who believe that we don’t literally give up our lives for others.
In order for me to help someone, I need to give them my time. And since my life is totally based on time (at least here on earth), I must give up a part of my life to help someone. Because no matter how hard I try to get that time back that I gave to someone else, I can’t.
I might not actually die as a martyr, or in some movie scenario where I jump in front of a bullet for someone, but I am called to die to myself. I am called to give up my entire life to God. To have God be my #1 priority, and everything flow from and through and in and back to God.
Sounds easy, no?
Isn’t it weird that Jesus had to die to save our lives, when He gave us our lives in the first place? That math doesn’t add up. Like, God created us, knowing that we’d screw it all up, and would have to die just so we can do what we were created to do in the first place.
God is super weird.
One of the ways I’m called to give up my life is to raise my children to hopefully one day also give their life to God. Sometimes I struggle with this because I keep thinking about my life before kids, and I keep trying to hold onto that, wanting to have “my time” back. My wife was much better at transitioning to being a parent, very ready to have little to no time for herself. I married up.
So how are you called to give up your life right now? What makes it hard to do so?