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Caramel vs. Caramel

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I’m writing this with some trepidation. I haven’t yet actually searched which one is right (side note: it’s weird to write ‘searched’ instead of ‘googled.’ Just thought you’d like to know). I’ve had this argument multiple times with friends and family. My biggest nemesis on this topic is my wife. She pronounces it, “car-mel,” while I, like all sound-minded people, pronounce it, “care-uh-mel.”

Sound-minded. Lord, I hope I’m right. I’ve been fighting the good fight for too long. I’ve been so adamant about how it’s pronounced – more so than the correct pronunciation of my name (…I just realized this while writing this out – why don’t I care more about how people pronounce my name?!) – that it’s going to be really challenging to admit that I’m wrong if I’m wrong.

But then I’m not really worried about what’s actually right, what’s actually truth. I’m worried about me – about my ego. My pride. If I really want to grow as a person, and especially as a man of God, then I should be searching only for the truth, and not worry about what I want to be true. I need to be able to let go of my personal desires.

But I still hope I’m right. I mean, look at the way it’s spelled! There’s an ‘a’ between the ‘r’ and the ‘m’ – you can’t just ignore that. It’s the first letter in the alphabet. A’s are always pronounced. Just ask the Board of Education (see what I did there?).

I still haven’t looked it up yet. I want to get all my thoughts out on this and let it be filled with the real fear of being wrong, and the pure hope of being right. I’m really nervous about this. I have seriously been arguing about this for years.

Seriously Deepu, you have nothing better to argue about?

Oh, dear reader, I have plenty of things to argue about. But I love caramel. Love it. The only thing I get when I go somewhere and order a coffee (which I don’t do often) is a Caramel Frappuccino (or some close variation of it). With extra caramel drizzle. Actually, the precise measurement I ask for is a “crap-ton” of caramel (side note: I once had a barista literally coat the entire inside of the cup with caramel drizzle. It was glorious (side side note: I really dislike it when people use the word “literally” when they’re making an exaggeration)).

Okay. Here goes. I’m going to now look up how caramel is pronounced. The following statements (depending on the results I can’t promise they will be cohesive and complete sentences) will be my [mostly] unedited reactions to what I find…

Well, that was a let down. I looked at several different sites and most of them say either way is fine. Ugh.


Although technically it originally was said my way, but then those damn Americans ruined it with their filthy accent and now the other way is also widely accepted. So I’ll take that as a win.

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One thought on “Caramel vs. Caramel

  1. I think it’s a win! I pronounce the 2nd “a” as well!! Ego and pride are bastards! I just had to swallow some and apologize for something I said. But first I had to get off my “feel sorry for myself” trip, recognize my fault in the situation, and say sorry. My ego could have kept me locked in my room stewing in my self righteousness. 37 years, that’s all it took…Praise the Lord!

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