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Beyond the Bull (-etin)

Articles originally posted in my parish’s bulletin. It may have slight edits from the original post.

Community of Prayer

How often do you ask people to pray for you? How often do you pray for other people? For a long time, the majority, if not all, of my prayers were for me. Sure, I’d pray for someone if they… Read More »Community of Prayer


The Psalm this Sunday (Psalm 15:2-3, 3-4, 4-5) resounds a little more than usual in light of the recent report on sexual abuse in the Church. The one who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord. It’s… Read More »Justice

Catholics are Weird

This Sunday is the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. As Catholics, we need to accept the fact that several of our teachings are kinda out there. From the outside, it seems weird. Hell, from the inside, it… Read More »Catholics are Weird

Go Deeper

On the Surface I think the reason many people don’t fully appreciate the Catholic faith, and for some the reason why they leave the Catholic faith, is because we often take our faith and the teachings of the Church at… Read More »Go Deeper

Wait, Don’t Go!

Hey you. I see you. Yeah you. What’s your relationship with Jesus Christ like? Oh, no need to look around, this is indeed a Catholic blog. I know, it’s not a question that’s asked often enough around here. Seriously –… Read More »Wait, Don’t Go!


When our current pastor shared the news with the parish staff that he was resigning from his position at the parish, I was disappointed. More than that, I was disheartened. Although I don’t know the reasons for his decision, I… Read More »BadBye

Awesome Job You

Hey! You went to Mass this weekend – good for you! It is no easy feat making Mass a priority these days. I think we often times judge and complain about those who don’t go, we don’t affirm and commend… Read More »Awesome Job You

It’s so Simple

We often talk about how challenging it is to be a disciple – how hard it is to be a good Christian. But I think we just make it harder on ourselves. Paul makes it pretty simple and straightforward in… Read More »It’s so Simple

How’s Your Poop?

Yeah, you read that right. Okay Deepu, really? You’re going to talk about poop? Is this the best place for that? Yup. Because God created us as not just spiritual beings, but as physical beings (one way we differ from… Read More »How’s Your Poop?


Did you get a load of Paul today in the 2nd Reading (1 Cor 7:32-35)? Can you believe that guy? Did he really think that a person can be distracted and torn between their spouse and God?! Does he even… Read More »Squirrel!


I recently was on vacation to Australia and New Zealand. It was a last minute trip – something I’ve never done before, and something I definitely didn’t imagine doing at this stage in my life. My wife, the amazing blessing… Read More »Holiday

Hello McFly

Ya know, the more I learn about God, the more I learn about the Catholic Church, and the more I grow in my faith, the more I realize how much of an blind idiot I’ve been. I think about how… Read More »Hello McFly

America’s Got Talent

This Sunday (and last Sunday as well), Jesus really seems to be hitting it home that we need to be stepping up our game (Matthew 25:14-30). It seems pretty clear that having faith isn’t enough. Last week, the lamps of… Read More »America’s Got Talent

Hey…um…Priest Guy

Todays’ Gospel (Matthew 22:1-12), we can get a bit confused. Everything Jesus says sounds all well and good until He says, “Call no one on earth your father…” via GIPHY This is probably where many Protestants would say, “Ha! The… Read More »Hey…um…Priest Guy

Why Mass is a Bit of Heaven

I totally followed along in today’s Gospel (Matthew 22:1-14)… up until verse 11. I get the whole people rejected God’s invite so He invited everybody else part. But then God kicks some poor guy out because He’s not dressed up?… Read More »Why Mass is a Bit of Heaven

Hook, Line, and Sinker

People often times say that Jesus (aside from you know, being God) was a really nice guy. And yeah, there’s some truth to that. . . but then I read something like the Gospel today (Matthew 21:33-43) and I’m like… Read More »Hook, Line, and Sinker

Too Late to Apologize

I’ve struggled with today’s Gospel (Mt 20:1-16). I will admit that I can be pretty selfish, and when I see someone getting the same payment or reward for doing less than I did, I complain. But as it shows in… Read More »Too Late to Apologize

Have Mercy

I was in a liturgy class a few years ago, and something that stood out to me from one of the first nights was a line from a book we were reading. I can’t remember the book or the exact… Read More »Have Mercy

Super Duped

I’ve heard many people say that the translation of the Bible that you use is irrelevant, as long as you actually use it. To that I say: I agree. Mostly. Words are powerful. And replacing one word with another can… Read More »Super Duped

Loaded Question

In today’s Gospel, Jesus asks His disciples: “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answers, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And then in response to that, Jesus makes Peter the first pope, the… Read More »Loaded Question

Yes, Yes You Should

The Catholic community is one of the best things to be a part of. Those of you who are Catholic might not believe me. Well, several years ago, I wouldn’t have believed me either. I’m going to share (hopefully briefly)… Read More »Yes, Yes You Should

Solomon the Wise

If you read last week’s post, you’ll remember (will you though?) that I mentioned the wisdom of Solomon. You looked at that first reading (you definitely remember that reading), and you saw why he’s so wise. Because God gifted him… Read More »Solomon the Wise

Word to the Wise

It’s kind of interesting that in the Book of Wisdom, where this past Sunday’s 1st reading comes from (Wis 12:13, 16-19) we get some fancy schmancy words that you probably don’t understand – temerity, clemency, lenience, repentance, people…the list goes… Read More »Word to the Wise


According to the 2nd Reading today, you belong to Christ. One of the definitions of belong is to be properly or appropriately placed. God has a specific purpose for you. Do you know what that purpose is? When was the… Read More »Confirmed

Me First!

Matthew 10:37-42 was the Gospel reading at Mass last week, and it can be challenging to really take in. Jesus basically says that He comes first (which we already know) – that not parents, not even your children, should come… Read More »Me First!

Jesus? Is That Really You?

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The majority of our Christian brothers and sisters of other denominations don’t believe in the true Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. They believe that when Jesus… Read More »Jesus? Is That Really You?

Easier Said Than Done

Oh Paul, you make things sound so easy. The advice given in the second letter to the Corinthians (from our 2nd Reading today) sounds so simple. Too simple. It makes it sound easy, which I think leads to many of… Read More »Easier Said Than Done

No Matter What the Pentecost

I love learning about our Church. I got this book—The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: New Testament. It’s awesome. It takes certain words or phrases within Scripture, and explains them in more detail, and anything that references the Old Testament is… Read More »No Matter What the Pentecost

Welcome the Wear-y

Awhile ago, I was talking with a teen who got Confirmed last year. We were talking about how she hasn’t been going to Mass lately, but has been attending service at a non-Catholic Christian church. When I asked why, she… Read More »Welcome the Wear-y

His Achy Breaky Heart

God aches for you. Let that sink in for a minute. God aches for you. I heard or read this somewhere, I can’t remember exactly where, but it stuck with me. It’s such a beautiful insight and thought about God’s… Read More »His Achy Breaky Heart

Talk to God

In Exodus 17:3-7 (well, really in a lot of Exodus), the Israelites were not happy campers (literally). And they were bold people. They had no issue complaining to Moses about their suffering. The reason why they were wandering the desert… Read More »Talk to God

The Juggle is Real

Three kids. Three. That’s what we’re up against now, Beth and I. I know it can be done, and I know we will be able to handle it (I think). A lot of people tell us it’s a game changer… Read More »The Juggle is Real


Did you know that? There’s the 1st and 2nd Reading, and the Gospel, right? What’s missing? If you said the Responsorial Psalm (usually the song between the 1st & 2nd Reading), then you are correct. Technically, it is a reading,… Read More »4>3

A New Year. Big Deal.

I’ve probably talked about this before, but this time we’re gonna get real. I have tried to start new habits on January 1st of many years (or January 2nd depending on how I celebrated December 31st—hey, I said we’re gonna… Read More »A New Year. Big Deal.


How righteous are you? I don’t ask this in a judgmental way, but in reflective way. In the Gospel today (Matthew 1:18-24), Joseph is called a righteous man, and that he wouldn’t expose Mary to shame. via GIPHY In our… Read More »Righteous

Holy Daze

Obligation. That word makes going to Mass sound like a chore. Holy Days of Obligation makes it feel like we’re being forced to attend Mass. But in all reality, we are obliged to. The Church isn’t trying to force us,… Read More »Holy Daze

6/19 – Luke 9:18-24

The more I learn about Scripture, the better it gets. There have been so many times in my life (and by that I mean like, 98% of the times) when I’ve heard, read, or even prayed over Scripture, and I… Read More »6/19 – Luke 9:18-24