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Easy Like Sunday Morning

Reflections on the Sunday readings

Locked Doors

This past Sunday, we hear the “Doubting Thomas” passage from the Gospel of John. I call it that because that’s what we often refer to it as, and it’s the main focus of homilies. And even though Thomas has a… Read More »Locked Doors

Sowers Gonna Sow

Many know the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23 in case you need a refresher). Jesus reveals in this parable that the seed is the Word of God and the soil is our hearts. There’s the hard soil, the rocky… Read More »Sowers Gonna Sow

The Inception of Joseph

Yesterday was the Solemnity of St. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Gospel (Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a), an angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream. And it happens again not too long after (barely… Read More »The Inception of Joseph

Forward to the Past

The first time I watched the Back to the Future movies, I enjoyed them a lot. The first one is the best of course, the second had the sweet hover board, and the third wrapped it all up. Then one… Read More »Forward to the Past

Just Keep Praying

I find it harder and harder to believe there are coincidences. The other day I was praying, and, as so often happens in prayer, I remember how much Jesus has done for me. Not only that God created me, but… Read More »Just Keep Praying


In the First Reading this Sunday, the Jews got jealous that Paul and Barnabas were bringing in the crowds (“Jews” in the New Testament typically refers to those who are or have placed themselves in charge of the Jewish people).… Read More »AMDG

Judas Ain’t So Bad

From as far back as I can remember when hearing the Passion, Judas has always been the bad guy. He was this shady character who betrayed Jesus out of greed and deserved the end he met. But I don’t think… Read More »Judas Ain’t So Bad