I try to get to the gym regularly. There was a point where I was going every weekday. Barring colds, I do go at least three times a week.
But that doesn’t make me healthy.
I eat junk food. I eat big portions. I drink alcohol multiple times a week, and usually don’t keep it to one drink. I sit a lot and I’m not all that active when I don’t go to the gym.
But, going to the gym keeps me from being a lot less healthy, because I still am being somewhat active. But I could do more outside of that to actually be healthy.
I go to Mass consistently. Occasionally I’ll throw in a weekday Mass to keep things spicy, but mostly Sundays (or Saturday evenings).
But that doesn’t make me holy.
I judge. I let my anger affect how I treat people. I’m lazy. I’m greedy and selfish. I lust. I fear others more than I fear God. I spend a lot of time focused on me, and not on others.
But, going to Mass does keep me from being less holy, because it keeps me connected to God. But I need to pray throughout the week. I need to read Scripture. I need to receive grace through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I need to serve, give, and love. I can do more to grow in holiness.
Just because you look healthy, doesn’t mean you are healthy.
Just because you look holy, doesn’t mean you are holy.