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Taken at sunrise in San Martin, CA

Clouds are amazing. They move and change and come in all shapes and sizes (and colors at sunset).

But what makes me appreciate them so much is how much the sky can change because of them. The sky – and the day – can take on a different feel depending on the types of clouds floating around in the sky.

We are like clouds. We come in different shapes and sizes and colors. We move around and change as time passes.
And we can make the world more beautiful when we let the Son shine through and around us.

But clouds do block the sun. When we block the Son from shining through, it is because of our sins. When we push up against each other and fight, when we hold onto grudges and anger, we become darker and weighed down (it is at this point in the analogy that the color of the cloud isn’t reflective of our skin color, but of the darkness of sin, so cool your jets my fellow brown-skinned people).

We make it so the sky, let alone the Son, can’t be seen or even felt. Yet when the sun is able to break through the clouds, and you see those rays of light, it is a beautiful and breathtaking sight – because even in the darkness, we can know the Son is still trying to reach us, trying to breakthrough our suffering, heartache, anger, and sin.

Even in the midst of sin, we can still see the Son shining in each other. Even when someone is completely consumed by sin, we can know that the Son is still there, but just harder to see.

But when we let our sins fall like rain and hand them over to our Lord through Reconciliation, we become lighter and more free. We are then able to once again reflect the light of Christ better in our lives. Because it is when we are the most free from sin that the clouds disappear, and the fullness of the glory of God can be seen and felt.

Fun fact: There is a saint named Clodoald (better known as St. Cloud), which is also the name of the city where my wife grew up.

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