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Do Not Read This

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I use reverse psychology on my son sometimes (Joshua, if you ever read this in the future, you will not like that I did this to you). Some people might argue that it’s not good to do this with your children, and you might be right – but I try to only use it in situations where it’s not serious and he can usually tell I’m just joking with him. Also, I have it on pretty good authority that it’s a great method of motivation. You see, I have this mentor who uses reverse psychology a few times in order to get people to do things, and from what I’ve seen, it’s worked.

Who is this mentor? Haven’t you figured it out yet? You really need me to spell it out for you? Really? Really?! Jesus Christ, people (see what I did there?)!

Yes. Jesus is the one who shows by example to use reverse psychology. Don’t believe me? Let’s look at some good ole Scripture:

Mark 7:36 –  “He ordered them not to tell anyone. But the more He ordered them not to, the more they proclaimed it.”

Now, I did some good ole fashioned Googling, and found a good article on The Sacred Page that argues that Jesus was not really trying to use reverse psychology – but I’m pretty sure they’re using reverse psychology so they’re just proving my point.

Not really.  Their argument that Jesus was really trying to tell them not to tell anyone seems pretty solid.

I know when I read this passage (Mark 7:31-37) and others like it, I really did think that Jesus was using reverse psychology. And the reason I did this is because I didn’t truly listen. I didn’t pay attention to the context. I didn’t even bother to think about why Jesus wouldn’t want His miracles to be shared (that part is explained about 3/4 of the way down in the TSP article). Or what Scripture might be hinting at us about listening to God.

How often does God tell us to do something (or not to do something)? Through our prayer, through Scripture, through our friends and family, or even through a stranger, God speaks to us. And yet many times (I know this has definitely been the case for myself), I don’t listen. I’m trying to listen more now, but because I haven’t been in the habit of doing it for that long, I question if it’s God talking to me, my own random thoughts (which if you’ve read my posts, you know I have plenty of), or the devil. 

Is it my own pride that’s encouraged me to start writing blogs, or is it God calling me to share? I honestly struggle with that question.

But I continue to pray and continue to try and try and try to listen to God. I keep praying for God to just tell me point blank what He wants me to do. Maybe He has been, but like the people in the Gospel of Mark, maybe I’m too focused on what I think God’s doing instead of listening to what God’s actually trying to say to me.

If you’re wondering why this post took a totally different direction, here’s why: When I had the idea for this post and started writing it, I didn’t know about the TSP article. I had every intention of writing an article about Jesus being the Master of Reverse Psychology. After reading that article however, I believed that I was wrong. Instead of deleting the whole post or totally changing it, I decided to leave the beginning as it was and just change direction. I did this because I believe it’s important to be able to admit when we’re wrong. Situations always get worse when people aren’t willing to swallow their pride. We all make mistakes, and that’s okay.

If you were all for the “Jesus uses reverse psychology” argument because of the verse I used, it’s a good example of how people can easily misinterpret Scripture and use it for their own means, and get others to believe it too. I’m not trying to make you feel guilty, just more aware and cautious of what people will claim the Bible says. I apologize for potentially misleading you. I’m just a guy trying to learn from his mistakes. Speaking of which…after finding out that Jesus wasn’t the Master of Reverse Psychology that I thought He was (which, I’m actually grateful for, because it just means He really does speak only Truth), I’ve been trying to cut down on my use of reverse psychology with Joshua.

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3 thoughts on “Do Not Read This

  1. I am left feeling like reverse psychology is being used, the article page posted doesn’t appear on its intended website, and the verses don’t match what’s being said, I’m afraid of even asking if that’s indicators of reverse psychology, but here we go, I feel like reverse psychology is being used and I feel like I’m being rebellious for even speaking my mind.

    1. Thanks for catching that! The article had been archived on the site (so the link changed). I was able to find it and update the link, so it should work if you want to click on it and read that article! God bless you too!

  2. I’m sorry I’m just going to take your word for it, I also looked up the verse again, I don’t know how but I found it, thank you for the post and I will try not to use reverse psychology, God bless you.

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