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My Own Worst Enemy

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I want a flat stomach. But you wouldn’t know that if you’ve ever seen me eat. I like unhealthy food and unhealthy portions.

And I give into all of it way more often than someone should who wants a flat stomach. Can anyone relate?


So do I really want a flatter stomach? Or maybe a better question is, do I believe having a flat stomach is worth the sacrifices necessary to achieving it? Doesn’t seem like it.

I’ve gotten so used to eating unhealthy that I have a hard time overcoming it. But that doesn’t mean it’s beyond my control. There have been times (short in length, I assure you), that I’ve eaten healthier or controlled my portions. I know I can do it. But then things like Nutella happens. Or I go to a party and there’s lumpia (WARNING: if you invite me to your party and there’s good lumpia, I will most likely it the majority of it…and yes there is such a thing as bad lumpia…and no don’t let this keep you from inviting me to your party and/or making lumpia available).

Eating healthy for a predetermined amount of time makes it easier and attainable – because you know there’s an end in sight. Doing it forever is a bit intimidating.

Maybe that’s why it’s so intimidating to try to be a saint. The hardest part about trying to be who God created you to be is that it’s constant. It’s not just for a week or just in one part of your life. It’s all day every day. It is your life. I think that’s why Lent is so “popular” – because it’s only for forty-ish days. It’s temporary.

I want to be better, I want to be a saint, but I will only grow into one as fast as I allow myself to. Just like with wanting a flat stomach, I need to seriously reflect on if I really want to be a saint – do I really believe that being a saint is worth the sacrifices necessary to achieving it? Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

The more and more I learn about God and the Catholic Church, the more I believe it is worth it. And I’ve come to realize that the only thing stopping me from being a saint is me. I’ve gotten so used to not only not being a saint but not trying to be a saint that it’s hard to change. But it is possible. The saints that have gone before us are perfect examples of that. I just need to be willing to commit.

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One thought on “My Own Worst Enemy

  1. Great share- I’ve learned (and heard) you either sacrifice to get a flatter stomach or you sacrifice the flatter stomach- you have a choice to make.

    Thanks for the reminder and great topic for self reflection.

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