Do you know what you’re looking at?
This was taken at the Diocesan Youth Retreat (DYR) back in June. This was on Thursday night, where over 250 teens and 80 leaders knelt before the Body of Christ. It was truly a beautiful night, and although a picture may speak a thousand words, it doesn’t do justice to exactly what happened. We, as Catholics, believe in the True Presence of Jesus’ Body and Blood in the bread and wine (when consecrated). It still smells, tastes, feels, and looks like bread and wine, but the substance of it changes. This prayer that the teens are taking part in is Adoration of the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (or just Adoration). Now, can I say that all the teens there believe in the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist? No. But hearts were moved for sure that night. Every teen was prayed over specifically in their small group, and they brought that prayer to Jesus. It was a powerful and Spirit-filled evening.
DYR could’ve been one of those events that never really changes—but it has changed a lot over the past several years. The connection to Jesus is more apparent, and the holiness of many of the leaders as well as the teens is inspiring. I am very grateful to be a part of something that has such an impact on so many people.