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Locked Doors

This past Sunday, we hear the “Doubting Thomas” passage from the Gospel of John. I call it that because that’s what we often refer to it as, and it’s the main focus of homilies. And even though Thomas has a… Read More »Locked Doors

Ew Feet

Holy Thursday is coming up this week, where people squirm at the thought of touching someone else’s feet, or someone else touching their own feet. Growing up at our parish, it was open season – anyone could get in line… Read More »Ew Feet

Immaculate Misconception

All too often, people get confused on who the Immaculate Conception is about. Today, December 8th, is the Solemnity for the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. By that title, we should be able to figure out that it’s… Read More »Immaculate Misconception

Sowers Gonna Sow

Many know the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23 in case you need a refresher). Jesus reveals in this parable that the seed is the Word of God and the soil is our hearts. There’s the hard soil, the rocky… Read More »Sowers Gonna Sow

Very Much Obliged

I’ve struggled with “Days of Obligation” for Mass. It seems to have such a negative connotation to it. “I’m obligated to go.” Doesn’t sound very fun. Or exciting. Just sounds like something the Church forces us to do. Yet the… Read More »Very Much Obliged

Church Rat

I try to get to the gym regularly. There was a point where I was going every weekday. Barring colds, I do go at least three times a week. But that doesn’t make me healthy. I eat junk food. I… Read More »Church Rat

The Inception of Joseph

Yesterday was the Solemnity of St. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Gospel (Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a), an angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream. And it happens again not too long after (barely… Read More »The Inception of Joseph

Is There Anything Else to Eat?

“Come to the table, time to eat!” And here they come. Kids come to the table, and almost immediately the complaints start pouring in. “I want to sit there!”“That’s where I was sitting!”“Why are we eating this?”“Is there anything else?”“Why… Read More »Is There Anything Else to Eat?

Have Mercy

I was in a liturgy class a few years ago, and something that stood out to me from one of the first nights was a line from a book we were reading. I can’t remember the book or the exact… Read More »Have Mercy

Holy Daze

Obligation. That word makes going to Mass sound like a chore. Holy Days of Obligation makes it feel like we’re being forced to attend Mass. But in all reality, we are obliged to. The Church isn’t trying to force us,… Read More »Holy Daze