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Just This One Thing

We’ve got a little one in the house, and he needs his naps. I need his naps. So, more often than I’d like, I have to remind his siblings to be quiet when he’s sleeping. In my mind, I have… Read More »Just This One Thing

Can I Help?

There’s a stage in a child’s life where they want to be helpful. Of course, it’s not in the way you want them to be helpful – at least not in my opinion. Cleaning up after themselves? Doing things the… Read More »Can I Help?

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

Have you ever had a child (or student) ask you this question? You tell them to do something – or ask – and their response is Why? Now, I’m all for learning and inquisitive minds. It is beautiful and wonderful… Read More »Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

Very Much Obliged

I’ve struggled with “Days of Obligation” for Mass. It seems to have such a negative connotation to it. “I’m obligated to go.” Doesn’t sound very fun. Or exciting. Just sounds like something the Church forces us to do. Yet the… Read More »Very Much Obliged

Is There Anything Else to Eat?

“Come to the table, time to eat!” And here they come. Kids come to the table, and almost immediately the complaints start pouring in. “I want to sit there!”“That’s where I was sitting!”“Why are we eating this?”“Is there anything else?”“Why… Read More »Is There Anything Else to Eat?

Do It

In the Gospel of Mark (10:35-45), two disciples come up to Jesus and Him, “do for us whatever we ask of You.” Whenever I read this passage, I always think they sound like a couple of pompous jerks. Like, guys,… Read More »Do It