So Simon was a fisherman. But was being a fisherman what he was being called to do by God? Maybe he was called to something more (for those of you who’ve read ahead, you already know how this ends).
After a rough night of no fish, Jesus tells Simon to put his nets out one more time. What did Simon do? He listened to Jesus. Simon catches so much frickin’ fish that he needed the help of other boats to bring it all in, and even then the boats were struggling. Simon had an awesome experience from listening to Jesus. And it doesn’t stop there. Jesus then calls Simon to leave his life as he knows it – to stop being a fisherman and become a disciple of Jesus and help spread His word. What did Simon do? He listened to Jesus. Simon didn’t settle for just one awesome experience with Jesus. He didn’t want to settle for just an awesome life. He wanted a Jesus Awesome life. A Jesawesome™ life (that’s not really trademarked).
I think Simon succeeds where we often fail. We sometimes listen to God, but not always. Simon could’ve been content where most of us find ourselves – listening to Jesus as long as we still get to do what we want to do. But Simon does us one better and listens to Jesus even though he has no idea what that truly means for his life. And here’s the kicker: he didn’t even know that Jesus was God yet. But he trusted in Jesus anyway (there’s that whole faith thing).
We need to realize how much we need to be more like Simon. We need to give our full trust in the Lord and follow Him no matter where that might take us. No matter where you are in your faith journey, you can give more trust to Jesus.
I have been working on my faith more diligently the past few years yet I know I can give way more trust to Jesus. I’ve been feeling a call to do more public speaking, but I have struggled to give it more effort in fear that I’ll fail. Even though I know God is calling me to this ministry. And even though I say that I trust God. But if I am not really putting effort into doing this, how much trust do I really have?
Even though Jesus blesses us in whatever situation we are in, like He had for Simon, He has way more waiting for us, if we just lay down our nets and follow Him. Because for every single one of us, there is awesome, and then there’s Jesus awesome.
I am definitely in that same boat😊 I Know where God wants me but to let go of my agenda and trust in His is a struggle. But not letting go is me saying that I don’t trust Him. He has never failed me and He is Good so i must Let Go , Let God!
You are a great speaker with great messages, go forth and speak truth brother!
Ditto to what Priya said Deeps!
You are a great speaker and have a talent in the way you relate these old stories to everyday life!
You are an Dad of 3 beautiful kids – who knew that was possible?! 😉
You won’t fail.
Thanks for being an un-trade-marked Jesawesome™